Today as usual I went to campus at around 7++am. I had a couple of things to do before noon, and I had hoped could be done latest by noon. First, to draw lots to pick a room in the new building. Luckily I've chosen one facing the lake as it would not as noisy as those facing the corridor, I supposed. Anyhow, I've planned to swap the room with Dr. Cheng due to personal reason, but that would happen only if ... The first thing wouldn't take much time actually, just randomly picking a number in a box only.
Mr. MatahariHowever, the thing really bothered me was the meeting chaired by an old man - a "veteran" known as "matahari" has been with this institution for so many years. The meeting as said supposedly to be started at 10am actually, but ended up nobody had shown up on time. I had no choice but got to wait for the rest of the committees. Finally, the chairman came at around 10.15am. However, the first thing he did was not initiate the meeting but went to draw lots to pick his new room, great !!! Then, the next wonder he did was to PREPARE the materials to be used in the meeting. The meeting was supposed to start at 10am, he came late and was just want to preparing the materials for the meeting >_<"'...
Frankly speaking, I don't really like to attend the meeting held by him as I've had a few bad experiences earlier. Just take the last meeting held last two weeks as example, he spent about 1 hour and 45 minutes to discuss only 2 simple issues. He likes to talk a lot of nonsense and more importantly, he don't want to make decision. Can you imagine as being a leader and don't want to make any decision as he don't want to bear any responsibilities on any decision made, what the ... that's why I said he is "veteran", indeed a Tai Chi master.
Tai Chi MasterAt around 12.30pm, the meeting was still like endless story and I really couldn't stand with my hunger and anger anymore, felt like going to have gastric soon, and to slap the Matahari.
Can I slap you?The things discussed in the meeting again were not the big issues but he did not want to make any decision even asked by one of the deputy deans (DD) how he handled the similar kind of things based on his past experiences. The Tai Chi master again showed his power by replying to DD that he couldn't recall anymore and pointed to me to make the decision. I really fed up with the meeting and therefore I just pulled myself off from the meeting without seeking his permission and went to have my lunch. Do not want to bother anymore!!!
Hopefully I'll be relieved from this committee soon!!!